*how to*
1. choose menu, Sketch extract or, Photo outline extract.
2. After uploading picture or sketch,
Set figures to suit the desired appearancce of the line.
3. Click effect icon, and wait
4. if you want only outline of sketch, click save icon
else, click next icon, and color and modify your sketch.
You can customize brush that fit lines.
It will be saved in internal memory, Pictures/outline folder
1.keep your sketch file png.
jpeg has no transparency
선추출/extract line/외곽선추출/line picking/contour/만화스케치/투명하게 만들기/Transparency/툰만들기/find contours/extract sketch path/line drawing/remove background from line art/line art/convert photo to line drawing/extract scanned linework/pencil sketch/character animator/character sketch/
캐릭터/캐릭터 만들기/이모티콘 만들기/emoticon/카카오톡/카카오톡 이모티콘/ 이모티콘 제작/ kakaotalk/character/make character/paint tool/sketch/hand painting/손그림/그림그리기/sketchbook/smooth clean line art/line drawing/sketch cleanup/clean up drawings/digitize a sketch/hand drawn sketch/converting sketch to line art/animator/animation/character maker/cartoon maker/cartoon character creator